The Arizona Association of Teachers of Japanese (AzATJ) is a non-profit and tax exempt organization whose goals are to promote interest in and improve the quality of instruction of Japanese at all levels in the State of Arizona; to provide for the professional / educational growth of the membership; to provide a common organization to promote the mutual interests of all persons interested in the teaching of Japanese language and culture in the State of Arizona; and to provide resources and information to the public concerning the teaching of Japanese language and culture in the State of Arizona.

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President's Message
Welcome to the AzATJ Website!​
My name is Caitlyn Kolesar, and I am the current President of the AzATJ. I am a Japanese high school teacher. The Arizona Association of Teachers of Japanese is an organization of Japanese educators across the state of Arizona. We have members ranging from the middle school level through the college level. Our organization seeks to bring Japanese language and culture to students across the state of Arizona as well as to aid our members in professional development. We hope to foster positive relations and goodwill between Japan and the United States.